Litha Sewing Cooperative

Litha Cooperative started operations in 2009 and since then have been one of Township suppliers / partners. However, once the COVID-19 crisis started, the cooperative found it rimpossible to continue to work in the premises they were operating from as it was closed during the lockdown.
They were renting a place in one of the government buildings in Khayelitsha and there was no access allowed until at lest June 2020. Most of the women working at the coop are the breadwinners of the family and the lockdown affected drastically their business and therefore their income, so as time passed they were desperate to re-start operations.
For 3 weeks, they looked everywhere and eventually they managed to access a building at the back of a crèche. The crèche being closed during this period, it was the perfect place. But with the new location came a rent at least 3 times more than what they usually paid. Also it is not as convenient as their previous workshop in terms of infrastructure and transport.
Asakhe Chairlady said: “it’s better than nothing, it was a very emotional time for us”. They managed to arrange the transportation of their machines and equipment into the new place.
We need to highlight that finding a workshop in the townships can be a very difficult and a long process, however with persistence Litha Sewing Cooperative members got together and found a place to re-start operations!
We are proud of their entrepreneurial spirit and resilience. Now we are wishing them to get more business to keep them busy!